The Subscription Coupon Packages For The Journal Make News Reading Attractive
The print media industry coupons and discount packages to customers are at the center of news these days. It is like every other sector that the print media industry is offering cash discounts and the name given to it, is the subscription coupon. The concept was started by the new entrants into this space and the intent was to grab market share. Readers are falling into the trap of cash discounts and this allows a print medium to boost up readership base. Once the targeted readers are brought into the fold, the print medium can now hike the quotes for advertisement space, It is a unique concept at work here, as both readers and print medium management benefit from the offers. The big US print media houses have been quick to realize this concept and much to the positive surprises of readers they have also implemented it. Hence, today as you search in the market, there is scope to subscribe to the coupons of some of the real big names. The announcement we intend to make is indeed a ...